Reliability, sustainability, resiliency, and performance investigation of an embedded splice-sleeve connector at high velocity semi-trailer impact
Presently, dynamic impacts occurrences caused by car crashes have been frequently reported. Statistical results from different articles indicate that vehicle crashworthiness of bridge pier supersedes the other events. However, majority of the published articles focusses on sustainability and finding severity of distressed pier due to impact correlating faster construction methods, like accelerated bridge construction (ABC). This article is an attempt to examine post impacted behavior of a commonly used connector in ABC for resisting short duration shock. Static and dynamic performance analyses of a connector embedded within a coupler system has been examined. A representative ABC pier with the standardized and selected material properties collected from manufacturer’s data has been utilized. Coupler composite materials consisting of a hollow uniform cross-section cast iron cylinder filled up with specified concrete grout conforms higher strength. The performance examination has been conducted by numerical modeling using finite element method (FEM). A commercially used software ANSYS has been utilized for carrying out the simulations. To investigate the post impact dynamic behavior, mesh-independent studies seems inevitable and hence are executed to evaluate dynamic impact factor (DIF). Sensitivity studies are carried out for validating results in precision. The DIF of the main reinforcing tensile steel embedded into the grout placed inside the connector has been determined. Results captured from simulations to identify material properties at plastic stage in sustaining such load have been conducted. The results provide significant information that aids opting for selecting suitable connectors for attaining help the design offices.
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