Parametric optimization and determination in machining processes by means of probabilistic multi-objective optimization
In the present article, it attempts to present the determination of optimal parameters of machining processes by means of probabilistic multi-objective optimization (PMOO), in which the optimal objectives (attributes) are fundamentally divided into beneficial type and unbeneficial type, moreover all attributes of both beneficial type and unbeneficial type are evaluated separately with equivalent manner to get their partial preferable probability. Finally, the total preferable probability of each alternative is obtained by the product of all partial preferable probabilities, which is the unique and decisive representative of the alternative to join the competitive optimization, the optimum alternative is with the highest total preferable probability. An example of parametric optimization and determination of aerospace component with Electro Chemical Machining (ECM) is taken to illuminate the procedure. In the case of ECM, the current, voltage, and feed rate are as the optimal parameters to be investigated, while Material Removal Rate (MRR), and Surface Roughness (SR) are the optimal objective responses to be measured. The experimental runs were designed using an L27 Taguchi orthogonal array. In the assessment of PMOO for ECM, the objective MRR belongs to the beneficial attribute, and the objective SR is as the unbeneficial attribute. The novelty of this work is to reflect the simultaneity and the irreplacement of optimization of objectives MRR and SR in the optimal system. The evaluated results reveal that the optimized experimental scheme is the alternative 8, which is with the optimal responses of MRR of 280.112 g/min and SR of 0.45 mm, the corresponding optimum experimental parameters are voltage of 12 V, electrolyte flow rate of 12 m/s and tool feed rate of 0.4 mm/min, respectively. The achievement of the present article indicates the validity of the corresponding approach and algorithm.
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