Influence of the new wavy teat liner “Stimulor StressLess” on milk yield performance and its quality in dairy cows: Results of a field study
The ideal milking system meets the physiological needs of dairy cows to increase milk yield, achieve better milk quality and maintain healthy udders. Therefore, the settings of the milking machine and the properties of the teat cup liners are very important on dairy farms. The aim of the present study was to test a new teat cup liner “Stimulor StressLess” (SSL) in two commercial dairy farms and to investigate its influence on daily milk production and quality having different experimental settings. For this purpose, 40 dairy cows of different breeds in Tirol, Austria (farm 1) were investigated for 6 months, where 3 months represent the control phase (Gr 1) and milked with conventional teat liners, and the second 3 months phase (Gr 2) was the experimental phase and milked with SSL teat cup liners. On the second farm 90 dairy cows of Simmental breed in Baden-Württemberg, Germany (farm 2) were examined for one year equally divided in the first 6 months of control phase and second 6 months of treatment phase. All cows on both farms had the same stage of lactation and lactation number. During the study period, the daily milk production of each cow was recorded and milk samples were collected to determine the ingredients. The results showed that higher daily milk production and better milk quality were observed after using the new SSL teat cup liner in the existing milking machines. However, the use of the new teat cup liner SSL was more efficient in the longer treatment in farm 2 than in farm 1. In addition, after the use of the new SSL teat cup liner, the udders remained healthy throughout the study period, showing lower somatic cell counts (SCC). It can be concluded that high milk yield and better milk quality can be achieved by using SSL teat cup liners, as they are adapted to all teat shapes and dimensions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Shehadeh Kaskous, Khaled Al-Najjar, Michael W. Pfaffl

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