Finite element structural analysis of simply supported solid and stiffened plates: A comparative study
A structure’s form and shape influence how it behaves when loaded. This was achieved by contrasting the stiffened plate’s performance with that of a solid plate made of the same material and volume. The results have demonstrated that bending stress in stiffened plates is decreased when a solid plate of the same material and volume is transformed into a stiffened plate. Because stiffened plates have a higher strength to weight ratio than solid plates, this supports the recommendation of stiffened plates for a variety of technical applications. In order to determine the impact of stiffener orientation on bending stress reduction in stiffened plates, additional investigations were carried out on a number of plates. An investigation was carried out to determine the ideal stiffener angle in a stiffened plate that could offer the least amount of stress. The current work offers insightful information about particular stiffened plate design characteristics that can be used in a variety of engineering contexts.
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