Evaluating automobile’s vibration in frequency domain
Excitation of the low frequency not only influences the driver’s health but also strongly affects the durability of the automobile’s structures. To research the automobile’s vibration in the low-frequency region, a dynamic model of the automobile is established to calculate the vibration equations of the automobile in the time region. Based on the theory of the Laplace transfer function, the automobile’s vibration equations in the time region are transformed and converted to the automobile’s vibration equations in the frequency region. Then, the effect of the automobile’s design parameters and operation parameters on the characteristic of the automobile’s acceleration-frequency is simulated and analyzed to evaluate the automobile’s comfort as well as the durability of the automobile’s structures in the frequency region. The research results show that the design parameters of stiffness, mass, and road wavelength remarkably affect the characteristic of the automobile’s acceleration frequency. To reduce the resonant amplitude of the acceleration frequency in the vertical and pitching directions of the automobile, the stiffness parameters of the automobiles and tires should be reduced while the mass of the automobile’s body should be increased. Additionally, the road’s roughness also needs to be decreased, or the road’s quality needs to be enhanced to reduce the resonant amplitude of the automobile’s acceleration frequency.
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