A review on nanosensors to detect diabetes

  • Zahra Mofidi University of Tehran
  • Mahtab Mortazavi University of Tehran
  • Sohrab Nikazar University of Tehran
Article ID: 32
Keywords: diabetes detection, glucose sensors, nanomaterials, enzymatic glucose sensors, non-enzymatic glucose sensors


Diabetes mellitus, a serious disease affecting millions of people worldwide, is a disease characterized by increased levels of glucose concentration in the blood. Monitoring blood glucose has been declared a crucial and important tool that makes diabetes management probable. A large number of suitable glucose biosensors have been developed so far. This research has particularly focused on covering achieving biocompatible and improved sensing platforms which are evolving with the contribution of novel materials. The motivation for writing this review is to discuss and review the recent advances in enzymatic and non-enzymatic glucose sensors evolved in the last few years.


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How to Cite
Mofidi, Z., Mortazavi, M., & Nikazar, S. (2023). A review on nanosensors to detect diabetes. Nano and Medical Materials, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.59400/nmm.v3i1.32