Impact of salinity on density and mechanical strength of Avicennia germinans wood exposed to marine oil pollution in the Gabon Estuary
Located at the interface between land and sea, mangroves develop both near the sea and inland. However, mangroves that develop inland have to cope with variable, high salinity; and urban pollution, as is the case with the mangroves of the Ambowé lagoon in Greater Libreville. Salinity is an important parameter for mangrove growth. The aim of this work was; yes itto show the impact of salinity on the density and mechanical strength of A. germinans wood exposed to hydrocarbon pollution. To this end, wood samples taken from the polluted Ambowé site were analyzed in the laboratory for wood and physical-mechanical properties. The data obtained were compared with wood samples taken from the unpolluted Oveng site, which has a higher salinity. The results show that for the polluted wood showed wider rings, lower wood density and mechanical strength with values of 0.91 ± 0.05 and 70.28 MPa, respectively. Also, the rings and vessels of Oveng wood are narrower than those of Ambowé wood. These differences are linked to salinity. Salinity therefore affects the density and mechanical strength of A. germinans wood exposed to hydrocarbon pollution.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Mabicka Iwangou Saint Bickolard, Safou Tchiama Rodrigue, Besserer Arnaud, Andzi Barhé Timoléon, Gérardin Philippe

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