Special Issue Policy

The Special Issue Program is a vital component of the journal, and we welcome submissions from around the globe. We are particularly interested in topics and issues that are examined from an international perspective. If you have developed a compelling proposal, please reach out to editorial_office@acad-pub.com to request the Special Issue Application Form. Key information required for a proposal includes the title of the Special Issue, keywords, details about Guest Editors, submission deadlines, and a summary. Proposals will be evaluated by the Academic Committee, with final decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief.

Guest Editors may be invited by either the in-house editor or contributors of proposals. It is essential that Guest Editors possess expertise in their respective subject areas as evidenced by their research and publication records; they are also expected to promote the Special Issue actively and encourage submissions.

All manuscripts submitted through Special Issues undergo the same rigorous peer review process as regular submissions. The Editor-in-Chief supervises this entire review process and makes final determinations regarding publication.

All Special Issue Programs must comply with the journal's publication ethics and editorial policies. Articles published within these special issues will be available via open access, allowing free reading, downloading, and sharing. Once an article is accepted, it will be promptly published on its designated Special Issue page while also being considered for inclusion in a regular issue—ensuring authors receive timely publication without having to wait for special issue calls to close.