Examining gender disparities in obesity clinic utilization: An analysis of sex and gender influences via the X.0 wave theory
Background: Obesity is a growing global health issue with significant social, psychological, and physical consequences. Despite a higher prevalence of obesity among men, women have historically been the predominant patients in obesity treatment centers. However, recent trends show an increasing male involvement in bariatric surgery. Understanding the motivations and societal influences driving these gender-based differences is critical to addressing obesity treatment disparities. Objectives: This paper investigates gender disparities in obesity clinic utilization and bariatric surgery motivations through the lens of the X.0 Wave Theory, as a comprehensive framework conceived, invented, introduced, and developed by Prof. Dr. Hamid Mattiello. The X.0 Wave Theory segments human history into transformative epochs characterized by significant advancements in knowledge, technology, and business. These epochs include the Agricultural Age (X.0 = 1.0), the X.0 Wave/Tomorrow Age (2.1 ≤ X.0 ≤ 2.2), and the current Age of Artificial Intelligence (X.0 = 4.0), with projections into the Human Age (X.0 = 5.0) and Transhuman Age (X.0 = 6.0) and beyond. Methods: We conducted a survey with 75 participants (69% women, 29% men) to investigate gender-based differences in motivations for seeking bariatric surgery. The survey captured various factors, including aesthetic concerns, health reasons, self-confidence, and quality of life, alongside the influence of societal pressures and social media. Results: The findings revealed distinct gender-based differences in motivations. Women primarily cited aesthetics, self-confidence, and social pressures, while men were more focused on health concerns and improving quality of life. The study also highlighted that women faced greater societal expectations and were more likely to engage with social media for information regarding treatment options. Discussion: The X.0 Wave Theory offers valuable insights into how emerging technological, social, and cultural waves influence decision-making in bariatric surgery. By understanding these gender disparities within the context of shifting societal norms and digital engagement, this study advocates for the development of gender-sensitive interventions in obesity management. The findings underscore the importance of addressing these differences to improve treatment approaches and outcomes. This research also offers predictions on how future technological and societal shifts may continue to shape gender disparities in healthcare decisions.
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