• Samed J. Aliyev Department of Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics , Baku State University, AZ 1148, Z. Khalilov Street, 23, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Maftun N. Heydarova Department of Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching, Faculty of Mathematics, Sumgait State University, AZ 5008, District 43, Sumgait, Azerbaijan
  • Arzu G. Aliyeva Department of Differential Equations Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, AZ 1141, B. Vagabzade Street,9, Baku, Azerbaijan
Article ID: 2432
Keywords: semilinear equations; mixed problem; classical solution


In this paper, we prove the existence in small of classical solution of one-dimensional mixed problem for one class of fourth order semilinear Sobolev type equations by combining the generalized contracted mapping principle with Schauder’s fixed point principle.


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How to Cite
Aliyev, S. J., Heydarova, M. N., & Aliyeva, A. G. (2024). ON THE EXISTENCE OF CLASSICAL SOLUTION TO ONE-DIMENSIONAL FOURTH ORDER SEMILINEAR EQUATIONS. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes, 31(2), 165–185. https://doi.org/10.17654/0974324324009