Editorial Team


Prof. Ji-Huan He
Soochow University
Interests: fractal geometry; variational principle; nonlinear oscillator; fractional calculus; nanofluid mechanics

Editorial Board Members

Prof. Jacek Kubiak
French National Centre for Scientific Research
Interests: mathematical biosciences, mathematical modelling, cell cycle, cancer, stem cells, embryo development, infectious diseases

Prof. Shensheng Tang
Bethel University
Interests: wireless networking, computer networking, cloud/fog computing, embedded systems, IoT, FPGA, and modeling and performance evaluation

Prof. J. Paulo Davim
University of Aveiro
Interests: manufacturing, materials, mechanical and industrial engineering

Prof. Nicholas Alikakos
University of Athens(EKPA)
Interests: nonlinear partial differential equations, calculus of variations, dynamical systems, applied mathematics

Dr. Ľuboslav Straka
Technical University of Košice
Interests: mathematical modeling and simulation, optimization of production processes, reliability and control theory

Dr. Guoqiang Tan
Loughborough University
United Kingdom
Interests: optimal control, neural networks, state estimation, stability analysis, autonomous systems, power systems, reinforcement learning

Prof. Jacek Mucha
Rzeszow University of Technology
Interests: mechanical joining, FEM, forming, blanking, machine design, robotization of machining

Prof. Yasir Khan
University of Hafr Al-Batin
Saudi Arabia
Interests: numerical methods for ODEs/PDEs, analytical methods for ODEs/PDEs, fluid mechanics, bioengineering & bioscience, fractals & solitons, fractional differential equations, disease models, iterative methods for ODEs and algebraic equations

Dr. Matteo Viscoti
University of Salento
Interests: doubly-curved shells, smart materials, generalized differential quadrature, multiphysics simulations

Prof. Taekyun Kim
Kwangwoon University
South Korea
Interests: number theory, optimal control, probability

Prof. Guanyu Wang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Interests: mathematical analysis of complex diseases, dynamical modeling of biological processes, quantitative, physical, and synthetic Biology

Dr. Ahmad Serjouei
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom
Interests: mechanical behavior of materials; metal additive manufacturing; fatigue, fracture and corrosion of AM materials; 3D and 4D printing; sustainable smart materials and structures; novel applications of active meta-materials; non-linear finite element analysis

Dr. Yuzhu Guo
Beihang University
Interests: system identification and information processing for nonlinear systems, NARMAX methods, nonlinear spectral analysis, brain-computer interface, neurorehabilitation, and brain-inspired intelligence

Dr. Yuliang Cai
Liaoning University
Interests: intelligent control, cluster collaboration, optimal control, machine learning, network security, etc.

Prof. Felix N. Chukhovskii
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
Interests: fractal differential equations of mathematical physics; X-ray and electron diffraction tomography; processing chaotic-noised data

Dr. Haihui Lan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States
Interests: atomic engineering for nanomaterials; growth behavior of nanomaterials; machine learning for science; nonlinear optic physics

Prof. Khaled M. Saad
Najran University
Saudi Arabia
Interests: numerical solutions for fractional differential equations

Dr. Jaan Pu
University of Bradford
United Kingdom
Interests: numerical schemes for shallow water equations; experimental methods for non-uniform; unsteady and turbulent flows; flow-structure interaction modeling

Dr. Vishwesh Kulkarni
King's College London
United Kingdom
Interests: computational biology; machine learning; systems and synthetic biology; mathematical programming; and nonlinear systems analysis and control

Dr. Majid Roohi
Aarhus University
Interests: control theory; stochastic systems; and differential equations; with practical applications in cybersecurity and data sciences

Dr. Guangyi Chen
Concordia University
Interests: applied mathematics; data science; algorithm optimization in computer science; system modeling in image processing and remote sensing

Prof. A. A. Elsadany
Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University
Saudi Arabia
Interests: differential equations; game theory; bifurcation and Chaos; nonlinear dynamics; fractional calculus

Prof. Anatoly Tsirlin
Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
Interests: optimal control theory; optimum conditions for averaged problems; control of macrosystems

Prof. Monica Butnariu
University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara
Interests: mathematical biosciences; monitoring of biotechnological processes; optimal control and inverse problems, computational biochemistry

Prof. Teodor Bulboaca
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University
Interests: complex analysis; geometric function theory and special functions

Prof. Changjin Xu
Guizhou University
Interests: mathematical modelling; bifurcation analysis, neural networks; dynamical systems; nonlinear analysis; stability analysis; nonlinear dynamics; chaos theory

Dr. Arvind Mukundan
National Chung Cheng University
Interests: hyperspectral imaging; CAD-modeling; control and Instrumentation

Prof. Eugen Mihailescu
Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Interests: dynamical systems and smooth ergodic theory

Prof. Eduardo M. Hernández Morales
Universidade de São Paulo
Interests: abstract differential equations; delay differential equations; state-dependent delay equations; neutral differential equations

Prof. Kwanho You
Sungkyunkwan University
South Korea
Interests: adaptive optimization; optimal control for nonlinear systems; stochastic process

Dr. Yury Nikitin
Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Russian Federation
Interests: identification; diagnosing; modeling; mechatronic systems;automation; unmanned aerial vehicle

Dr. Zigen Song
Tongji University
Interests: nonlinear Dynamics Theory; computational biology; neural network; CPG (central pattern generator)

Dr. Shuo Yu
Dalian University of Technology
Interests: knowledge engineering; network Science; data science

Dr. Mustafa Avci
Athabasca University
Interests: PDEs; variable Lebesgue spaces; calculus of variations; stochastic processes

Dr. A.M.S. Mahdy
Zagazig University
Interests: numerical analysis; integral equations; Math. modeling & computational math

Prof. Stevo Stević
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Interests: complex analysis; difference equations; functional analysis; mathematical analysis; operator theory

Prof. Gisèle M Mophou
University of the French Antilles
Interests: differential equations; applied mathematics

Dr. Crescenzo Pepe
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione (DII) - Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona
Interests: control systems engineering; industrial automation; energy efficiency

Prof. Qingquan Liu
Institute of Geotechnics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Interests: PDE inverse problems; multiphysics coupling; porous media flow

Dr. Annamaria Barbagallo
University of Naples Federico II
Interests: mathematical analysis; mathematical modelling; nonlinear analysis

Prof. Yongqiang Fu
Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology
Interests: partial differential equations

Prof. Ming Mei
Department of Mathematics, Champlain College-Saint-Lambert
Interests: nonlinear partial differential equations; numerical computations

Prof. A. George Maria Selvam
Department of Mathematics, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous)
Interests: discrete dynamical systems; fractional calculus; mathematical biology
Prof. Claudio Rodrigo Cuevas
Departamento de Matematica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Interests: partial differential equations; fractional differential equations; integral and integro-differential equations
Prof. H. L. Tidke   
Department of Mathematics, Kavayitri Bahinbai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University Jalgaon
Interests: theory of differential and integral equations
Prof. Yansheng Liu
Department of Mathematics, Shandong Normal University
Interests: boundary value problems; fractional differential equations; nonlinear functional analysis
Prof. Zhitao Zhang
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Interests: critical point theory; PDEs