Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2025
Special Issue Editors
Dr. Hasanen A. Hammad Website E-Mail:
Guest Editor
Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
Interests: Functional Analysis- Fixed Point Theory
Special Issue Information
Many problems in science and engineering can be solved by reducing them to an equivalent fixed-point problem defined by nonlinear functional mathematical equations. An operator equation may be expressed as a fixed-point equation, where F is a self-mapping with some suitable domain. For example, split feasibility issues, variational inequality issues, nonlinear optimization issues, equilibrium issues, complementarity issues, selection and matching issues, and issues proving the existence of solutions to integral and differential equations can all be resolved using the fundamental tools provided by fixed point theory. Fixed point theorems are developed for single-valued or set-valued mappings of abstract metric spaces. In particular, the fixed-point theorems for set-valued mappings are rather advantageous in optimal control theory and have been frequently used to solve many problems of economics and game theory.
On the other hand, in the case that is non-self-mapping, the aforementioned equation does not necessarily have a fixed point. In such a case, it is worthy to determine an approximate solution such that the error is minimal. This is the idea behind the best approximation theory.
This special issue’s goal is to report on the most recent developments in problem-solving techniques, particularly those that make use of the fixed/best-proximity point theory. Such problems are typically studied in certain function spaces to see if they can be solved. The solvability of functional mathematical equations can be greatly influenced by the selection of the proper fixed/best proximity point theorem and the usage of particular characteristics of the underlying function space.
We want to give researchers a forum where they may communicate, discuss, and promote numerous fresh problems and advancements in this field. Possible subjects could include, but are not limited to:
• Fixed point theory in various abstract spaces with applications
• Best proximity point theory in various abstract spaces with applications
• Nonlinear operator theory and applications
• Generalized contractive mappings
• Differential and integral equations by fixed point theory
• Differential and integral inclusions by fixed point theory
• Stability of functional equations related to fixed point theory
• Fractional differential equations by fixed point theory
• Fractional differential inclusions by fixed point theory
Fixed point technique
Integral equation
contractive mapping
fractional differential equations
Best proximity point
approximate controllability

Published Papers