Advances in Mathematical Analysis of Electrical Power Systems

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 1 September 2025


Special Issue Editors


Prof. Mahmoud A. Mossa Website  E-Mail:
Guest Editor
Minia University, Egypt
Interests: renewable energy systems, control theory, control of power systems, and electric machine drives


Dr. Hamid Chojaa  Website  E-Mail:
Guest Editor
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco
Interests: control theory, control Strategy, nonlinear Control


Special Issue Information


The physical functioning of electric power systems may now be studied quantitatively thanks to advancements in computer science and information technology, which has been recognized as a powerful analytical tool. Electric drives and power distribution systems are becoming increasingly challenging to test and analyze using traditional computing.

Mathematical analysis/modeling is the process of visualizing a system's behavior while modifying its parameters. In practice, mathematical modeling is the process of precisely emulating an electric power system using a model that can be analyzed through the use of well-established methodologies. The application of mathematical analysis in the field of electric power has become widespread, including the development of controllers and the analysis of the energy efficiency of high-power units operating at industrial locations. Additionally, a wide range of mathematical modeling techniques are used by several academic and research institutions to analyze electric power systems.

Accordingly, the current special issue seeks to address these theories by

- Gain more knowledge using mathematical modeling software.
- Explain the latest modeling methods applied in the electric power sector.
- Demonstrate that mathematical modeling is a reliable way to evaluate energy efficiency.
- Provide cases of study of mathematical modeling's application in research, industry, and education.

This Special Issue will feature original works highlighting recent advances in the mathematical analysis/modeling of electric energy systems. The following are some specific topics of interest:

- Electrical power system modeling using mathematics.
- Modeling electric drive control topologies.
- Simulating electric power systems powered by renewable energy.
- Electrical distribution system modeling.
- Uses of mathematical modeling of electric power systems in research and teaching.
- Modeling the electrical power networks of commercial buildings.




Mathematical Modeling
Electric Power Systems
Renewable Energy Integration
Electric Drive Control
Energy Efficiency
Power Distribution Systems
Research and Teaching Applications
Commercial Building Power Networks
Advanced Modeling Techniques



 Published Papers