Social Policy and Welfare

Submission deadline: 2024-08-31
Section Collection Editors
Dr. Oleh Predmestnikov   
Head of the Department of Law, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Prof. Huck-ju Kwon   
Global Development Institute for Public Affairs, Seoul National University
South Korea
Dr. Kechagia Polyxeni   
University of Thessaly
Volos, Greece

Social policy and social security are important components of social development. Social policy is determined by a system of measures aimed at ensuring social justice and protecting the rights and interests of citizens which is aimed at reducing social inequality and improving the quality of life of the population. Social security, in turn, includes a variety of public programs and services aimed at providing social protection to the population, including pension systems, health insurance, unemployment assistance and other forms of social assistance. The implementation of these concepts depends on the cultural, economic and political conditions in each country, and the level of development of social systems can vary significantly from country to country.
The Social Policy and Welfare section offers a forum to discuss social policy and social security systems at a global level. We welcome articles exploring the impact of social programs on society, the effectiveness and challenges of managing social systems, innovative approaches to social policy development, as well as comparative analysis of social models in different countries. The aim is to inform readers about current issues and trends in social policy and social security at the international level in order to stimulate discussion and promote effective decision-making to improve the quality of life of citizens around the world.
Scientific articles and review materials are welcome which are devoted to the study of various social programs, strategies of struggle with poverty and inequality, as well as the impact on the formation of social policy in various countries and regions of the world.


Social policy, globalization, social assistance, innovative approaches, social inequality, pension system, economic security, sustainability of social systems, intercultural interaction.