Preprint Policy
Authors are permitted to post their non-peer-reviewed original research manuscripts to community preprint servers such as bioRxiv, medRxiv, and PeerJ Preprint before or in parallel with the formal submission to Forum for Linguistic Studies. During submission, authors are obliged to declare in the cover letter if the corresponding preprint version of their submission has been deposited on a preprint server, and provide any associated accession numbers or DOIs.
Nonetheless, authors are not allowed to post any versions of articles that have been revised as a result of peer review, accepted for publication or published in the journal on a preprint server. The manuscript whose corresponding preprint version has been indexed (e.g. in MEDLINE or PubMed) will not be considered.
This policy applies to original research papers only. This journal reserves the right not to consider for publication or publish material that has been formally published in digital media that shall not be construed as preprint servers.
We encourage formal citation of preprints in the reference list, where appropriate.