The effectiveness of using simulation in learning a foreign language

  • Iryna Zvarych Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Iryna Tonkonoh Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Ihor Bopko Mukachevo State University
  • Serhii Melnychuk Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
  • Kateryna Mehela Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Tetiana Shyrmova Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Ariticle ID: 1063
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Keywords: simulations; competence approach; foreign language communicative competence; non-linguistics majors; learning English


The aim of this study was to measure how the use of simulation contributes to the improvement of speaking skills and the enhancement of students’ motivation to learn a foreign language. The methods of observation, testing, and expert evaluation were used to diagnose the criteria of foreign language communicative competence (motivational, cognitive, and behavioral). The quality of the manifestation of interaction was correlated with its development, and three levels of foreign language communicative competence among students were distinguished: low (reproductive), medium (reproductive-productive), and high (productive). The study results showed that the EG significantly increased the indicators for all foreign language communicative competence criteria. The comparison of the results of the two experimental stages revealed a higher increase in indicators of high and medium levels of foreign language communicative competence in the second stage (high level—by 10.1%, medium level—by 4.9%). It was determined that simulations contribute to the gradual development of all foreign language communicative competence criteria. The main advantages of simulations are that they provide an opportunity to reproduce various communicative situations, thereby contributing to improving speaking skills, understanding the language in real time, and adapting to the requirements of real communication. The prospect for further research is the study of the impact of different forms of simulation on the effectiveness of foreign language learning.


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How to Cite
Zvarych, I., Tonkonoh, I., Bopko, I., Melnychuk, S., Mehela, K., & Shyrmova, T. (2023). The effectiveness of using simulation in learning a foreign language. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 5(3), 1916.