A dialogic view on construal: A study on the instantiations of wh-interrogative words in wh-dialogues

  • Guocai Zeng Sichuan University
Ariticle ID: 736
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Keywords: construal; wh-word; dialogic construction; grounding; utterance meaning


As the basic notion in cognitive grammar, construal is expounded from various aspects in terms of different conversational purposes in linguistic communication. Based on the well-discussed dimensions of construal from Langacker’s view, this study investigates the dimensions of construal from a dialogic view, particularly in cases of English wh-dialogues, with the aim of deciphering how the dialogic focus, the wh-word positioned at the head of the wh-question, is cognitively grounded in the answer. According to the ways that such wh-words are grounded, the dynamic adjustment of dialogic focuses in wh-dialogues is then examined, hopefully to shed some light on the interpretation of the utterance meaning from a dialogic view.


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How to Cite
Zeng, G. (2022). A dialogic view on construal: A study on the instantiations of wh-interrogative words in wh-dialogues. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 4(1), 50-65. https://doi.org/10.18063/FLS.v4i1.1455