Early modern European languages and literature: A short review

  • David Porter Hunan Normal University
Ariticle ID: 718
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Keywords: early modern; language study; genius; ingenium; aphorism


This article engages with several recent books about language and literature, with a general focus on the early modern period in Europe. One of these books discusses language study in early modern England. Another examines the histories of words relating to ‘ingenuity’. The third provides a theoretical look at the aphorism with a wide historical scope but with some chapters relating to early modern literature. Each is of general interest for linguistic and literary scholars.


[1] Bewick T (1979) A Memoir of Thomas Bewick Written by Himself. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (first pub. 1862)

How to Cite
Porter, D. (2020). Early modern European languages and literature: A short review. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 2(1), 52-56. https://doi.org/10.18063/FLS.v2i1.1204