• Oghonyon JimevwoGodwin Department of Mathematics, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria
  • Okunuga SolomonAdewale Department of Mathematics, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Ogunniyi PeterOluwatomi Department of Mathematics, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria
Article ID: 2571
Keywords: block solver; trigonometrically fitted method; stiff ODEs; tolerance level; suited varying step size


An efficient block solver of trigonometrically fitted method for stiff ODEs has been developed. This block solver utilizes a special trigonometrically fitted method as the basis function approximation with the introduction of varying step, varying order and suitably varying step size. The idea of interpolation and collocation is utilized out via trigonometrically fitted method. Some theoretical properties of block solver are also investigated. To demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the method, we solve some examples of stiff ODEs.


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How to Cite
JimevwoGodwin, O., SolomonAdewale, O., & PeterOluwatomi, O. (2025). AN EFFICIENT BLOCK SOLVER OF TRIGONOMETRICALLY FITTED METHOD FOR STIFF ODEs. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes, 28.