• Salisu Ibrahim Mathematics Education, Tishk International University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Article ID: 2568
Keywords: commutativity; Euler differential equation; analogue system


We study commutativity and the sensitivity of the second-order Euler differential equation. The necessary and sufficient conditions for commutativity of the second-order Euler differential equation are considered. Moreover, the stability, the robustness, and the effect due to disturbance on the second-order Euler linear time-varying system (LTVS) are investigated. An example is given to support the results. The results are well verified using the Matlab Simulink toolbox.


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How to Cite
Ibrahim, S. (2025). COMMUTATIVITY ASSOCIATED WITH EULER SECOND-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes, 28.