• Inderdeep Singh Department of Physical Sciences, SBBSU, Jalandhar, Punjab-144030, India
  • Manbir Kaur Department of Physical Sciences, SBBSU, Jalandhar, Punjab-144030, India
Article ID: 2561
Keywords: Hermite wavelets; function approximation; convergence analysis; numerical illustrations


We propose two-dimensional Hermite wavelet method for solving some applications of partial differential equations. Kronecker tensor product has been utilized to resolve and control huge matrices operations and calculations. Proposed method is based on the approximation of largest mixed derivatives of the given partial differential equation into a series of two-dimensional Hermite wavelet basis functions. To validate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed technique, some numerical examples are presented.


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How to Cite
Singh, I., & Kaur, M. (2025). 2D-WAVELETS BASED EFFICIENT SCHEME FOR SOLVING SOME PDEs. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes, 29. https://doi.org/10.17654/0974324322032