• J. Venetis School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, NTUA, Greece
Article ID: 2556
Keywords: piezometric head,;creeping flow; Darcy’s law; conformal mapping; Schwarz-Christoffel transformation


The paper presents a mathematical formulation of an incompressible two-dimensional groundwater creeping flow past a fully constrained impermeable obstacle. The physical boundary of this obstacle is modeled as a smooth surface having negligible roughness. Referring to the impact of boundary roughness, it is known that from Hydrodynamics point of view, a solid surface is called “smooth” when the average depth of the surface irregularities is less than the thickness of the laminar sublayer over the surface. In this framework, a theoretical evaluation of the piezometric head is exhibited and concurrently the position of velocity distribution local extrema is determined.


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How to Cite
Venetis, J. (2025). ANALYTIC EVALUATION OF PIEZOMETRIC HEAD FOR A CREEPING FLOW PAST A FULLY CONSTRAINED OBSTACLE. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes, 27. Retrieved from