• Abdelhalim Ebaid Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk, P.O. Box 741, Tabuk 71491 Saudi Arabia
  • Amjad A. Alsubaie Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk, P.O. Box 741, Tabuk 71491 Saudi Arabia
Article ID: 2416
Keywords: Laplace transform; error function; boundary value problem


Recently, many mathematical models are proposed to describe storage of solar energy. Most of these models are governed by boundary value problems (BVPs). The explicit solutions of such BVPs depend in determining the inverse Laplace transform of complex expressions. This paper overcomes some of these difficulties arising on account of this. The results can be invested to construct the analytic solutions of solar energy models and also models of other fields in engineering sciences.


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How to Cite
Ebaid, A., & A. Alsubaie, A. (2023). THE INVERSE LAPLACE TRANSFORM OF SOME COMPLEX EXPRESSIONS ARISING IN SOLAR ENERGY MODELS. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes, 30(3).