Computational Verification of Low-Frequency Broadband Noise from Wind Turbine Blades Using Semi-Empirical Methods
A significant aerodynamic noise from wind turbines arises when the rotating blades interact with turbulent flows. Though the trailing edge of the blade is an important source of noise at high frequencies, the present work deals with the influence of turbulence distortion on leading edge noise from wind turbine blades which becomes significant in low-frequency regions. Four quasi-empirical methods are studied to verify the accuracy of turbulent inflow noise predicted at low frequencies for a 2 MW horizontal axis wind turbine. Results have shown that all methods exhibited a downward linear trend in noise spectra for a given mean wind speed except at very low frequencies. With an increase in turbulence intensity from 6% to 14%, the sound power was found to increase almost linearly, and the standard error for sound power was reduced for all methods studied. The computed results were validated and agreed well with experiment noise data from Siemens SWT-2.3MW 93 wind turbine.
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