Human-AI integration and sound-vibration technology-driven enterprise digital transformation: The mediating role of technological innovation

  • Jun Cui SolBridge International School of Business, Woosong University, 128 Uam-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon 34613, Republic of Korea
  • Qiang Wan GuangDong RiZhao Electric Co., Ltd., Huizhou 516100, China; Department of Lifelong Learning, Graduate School, Hanseo University, Seosan-si 31962, Republic of Korea
  • Sangwoo Shin SolBridge International School of Business, Woosong University, 128 Uam-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon 34613, Republic of Korea
Article ID: 1733
Keywords: human-AI integration; sound-vibration technology; confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); enterprise technological innovation; mediating factor; enterprise digital transformation; squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)


The synergistic application of human-AI integration and sound-vibration technology is profoundly reshaping the digital transformation landscape and technological innovation in Chinese enterprises. In this research, with technological innovation as the mediating variable, how human-AI integration and sound-vibration technology jointly optimize enterprise digital transformation was investigated. A human-AI collaborative model incorporating sound-vibration technology is constructed and validated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), revealing its dual role in accelerating digital transformation and driving technological innovation. Data from the power sector of Chinese technology enterprises is analyzed, with 262 observations collected via a structured questionnaire and examined using structural equation modeling. The findings demonstrate that human-AI integration significantly enhances organizational capabilities through complex data processing, sound-vibration signal analysis, and decision optimization, while the application of sound-vibration technology further improves the efficiency of equipment monitoring and predictive maintenance, thereby supporting digital transformation. Technological innovation plays a critical mediating role, with its contributions to operational efficiency and emerging business models empirically validated. The research not only enriches the theoretical framework of human-AI integration and sound-vibration technology in digital transformation but also provides actionable strategic recommendations for enterprises and decision-makers to achieve continuous innovation and competitive advantages in the era of intelligent and digital transformation.


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How to Cite
Cui, J., Wan, Q., & Shin, S. (2025). Human-AI integration and sound-vibration technology-driven enterprise digital transformation: The mediating role of technological innovation. Sound & Vibration, 59(1), 1733.