Frequency formulation for nonlinear oscillators (part 1)

  • Ji-Huan He Affiliation 1School of Jia Yang, Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou 310015, China; National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Silk, College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China
Ariticle ID: 1687
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Keywords: nonlinear vibration; frequency-amplitude relationship; non-perturbative approach; mathematical pendulum; Cubic-Quintic Duffing Oscillator


The perturbation method is a prevalent approach for nonlinear oscillators; however, the outcomes are only applicable to situations with weak nonlinearity. Other analytical methods, such as the variational iteration method and the homotopy perturbation method, can yield a satisfactory approximate solution; however, each method necessitates the completion of multiple calculations. Hereby is recommended a one-step frequency formulation for nonlinear oscillators, and this part 1 focuses itself on odd nonlinearity.


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How to Cite
He, J.-H. (2024). Frequency formulation for nonlinear oscillators (part 1). Sound & Vibration, 59(1), 1687.