Acoustic assessment in urban residential environments: A GINI-OOB approach

  • Jiayi Zhang College of Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an 625014, China
  • Xiaoli Tang College of Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an 625014, China
  • Siyu Cen College of Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an 625014, China
Article ID: 1682
Keywords: urban acoustic environment; urban sustainable development; resident’s value perception; FCE-AHM; GINI-OOB


Urban sustainable development faces significant challenges, with low Resident Value Perception (RVP) acting as a major barrier to the rapid growth and sustainability of cities. This study aims to identify the key factors influencing RVP and assess their impacts, focusing on Wuhan as the case study. An RVP indicator system is developed, integrating three dimensions, and the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation-Attribute Hierarchy Model (FCE-AHM) method is employed to calculate the RVP index. Additionally, a novel GINI-out-of-bag (GINI-OOB) coupling assessment method is introduced to determine the influence of each indicator, using data from Wuhan’s 2022 social satisfaction survey in China. Special emphasis is placed on the relationship between these factors and the acoustic environment. The research findings highlight the following: (1) The proposed methodology effectively identifies the key factors influencing residents’ value perceptions and quantifies their levels of influence; (2) Hospital waiting times, housing price acceptability, and parking management emerge as the top three factors affecting residents’ value perception, with a combined GINI-OOB index score of 0.4914. Notably, parking management has a significant influence, directly exacerbating traffic noise issues. These factors collectively impact the acoustic environment, thereby influencing residents’ quality of life and overall satisfaction. This study introduces an innovative theoretical framework for evaluating urban sustainability, offering valuable insights for enhancing the assessment of residents’ value perceptions and supporting policy recommendations aimed at optimizing urban acoustic environments.


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How to Cite
Zhang, J., Tang, X., & Cen, S. (2024). Acoustic assessment in urban residential environments: A GINI-OOB approach. Sound & Vibration, 59(1), 1682.