Loss Factors and their Effect on Resonance Peaks in Mechanical Systems

  • Roman Vinokur Independent Consultant, Woodland Hills, San Diego, 91367, USA
Ariticle ID: 1673
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Keywords: Mechanical loss factor; resonance peak; acoustics; vibration; structural failure; noise; NVH; engineering systems


The loss factors and their effects on the magnitude and frequency of resonance peaks in various mechanical systems are reviewed for acoustic, vibration, and vibration fatigue applications. The main trends and relationships were obtained for linear mechanical models with hysteresis damping. The well-known features (complex module of elasticity, total loss factor, etc.) are clarified for practical engineers and students, and new results are presented (in particular, for 2-DOF in-series models with hysteresis friction). The results are of both educational and practical interest and may be applied for NVH analysis and testing, mechanical and aeromechanical design, and noise and vibration control in buildings.


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How to Cite
Vinokur, R. (2023). Loss Factors and their Effect on Resonance Peaks in Mechanical Systems. Sound & Vibration, 58(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.acad-pub.com/index.php/SV/article/view/1673