Conceptualizing sustainable smart country: Understanding the role of different sectors in building its structure

  • Muhammad Younus Department of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55000, Indonesia; Department of Product Research and Software Development, TPL Logistics Pvt Ltd, Karachi 47900, Pakistan
  • Achmad Nurmandi Department of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55000, Indonesia
Article ID: 434
Keywords: smart country; smart citizen; smart government; smart social; smart economy


The objective of this paper is to theorize the concept of a Smart Country; for that, we will discuss the footsteps that any country in the world can follow and become a Smart Country. We will define how a Smart Country will have processes and governance structures that are fully equipped with all the necessary technological advancements. These prerequisites will not only help in laying the foundation of Smart Country. Still, they will also provide a long-term solution that will ensure the sustainability of Smart Country, which will have the capacity to not only face the challenges of the future but also synchronize with the forthcoming computational development. Through a comprehensive literature review and research analysis, we have argued in this article that a sustainable Smart Country is a holistic concept, so in order to make it practical, we have to consider political, security, social, economic, and finally, the environmental aspects of the country, and according to each aspect, we will be providing solutions to the challenges countries are going to be facing in the near future. With these aspects mentioned, we will be explaining the three interdependent actors, which are Smart Government, Smart Citizens, and smart technology. These three actors will become the pillars of a Smart Country, and the collaboration between them will play a vital role in the success of this initiative. The first pillar, Smart Government, will play a role in creating sustainable Smart Country practices. The second pillar, a Smart Citizen, will play a role in adopting sustainable Smart Country practices. Lastly, smart technology will be the catalyst that will make it possible to create a sustainable, Smart Country. The research in this article will contribute by providing a framework for conceptualizing a sustainable Smart Country, which will help policymakers and researchers develop future strategies.


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How to Cite
Younus, M., & Nurmandi, A. (2023). Conceptualizing sustainable smart country: Understanding the role of different sectors in building its structure. Information System and Smart City, 3(1), 434.