
Forum for Philosophical Studies(FPS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to scientific research and philosophical reflection concerning themes at the intersection of philosophical, scientific, technological, and cultural studies. The principal aim is to publish articles that are models of clarity and precision in dealing with significant philosophical issues. The readers of the journal will be kept abreast of the central issues and problems of contemporary analytic philosophy.

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    Article ID: 1386

    A systematic design for AI-centered innovation management network by Marxist epistemology

    by Qing Luo, Hexiu Cao

    Forum for Philosophical Studies, Vol.2, No.1, 2024; 8 Views, 3 PDF Downloads

    By building AI-centered innovation management systems, innovative countries and organizations can optimize management processes, stimulate creativity, and accelerate product and service innovation cycles. AI-centered innovation management finds market in China. The application of Marxist Epistemology is applicable in breeding innovation knowledge, especially in defining AI-centered networks to guide innovation management, focusing on providing innovation conditions and the development of innovation relations. Furthermore, systematic entity of contradictions design is critical for AI-centered innovation management networks, unifying the systematic functions and structure by integrating AI into innovation management effectively.

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