Qualitative research: Understanding its underlying philosophies
In the realm of research, it is emphasized that research must be grounded in a clearly stated research philosophy and set out early in the research process. It is significant because research philosophy enables researchers to promote clarity and decisions about the research design and guide them in identifying a suitable design. Therefore, understanding the underlying philosophies of qualitative research is crucial for researchers, especially those who are just starting their journey in this field. This paper aims to provide beginning researchers with a basis for the development of key philosophical understandings related to qualitative research. A descriptive analysis of the philosophies of ontology and epistemology and the subsets of philosophies under these two umbrella terms is presented as an introduction to the philosophical foundation of qualitative research. The paper serves as a basis for novice researchers to distinctively identify the philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research and as a resource that enables and guides them towards designing and conducting qualitative studies.
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