Identifying solutions to ensure the financial security of the enterprise in current conditions

  • Victoria Postolache Department of economic sciences, Faculty for Exact, Economic and Natural Science, Alecu Russo Balti State University, 3112 Balti, Republique of Moldova
Article ID: 2593
Keywords: financial security; enterprise; management tools


The issue of ensuring the economic security of enterprises has become increasingly pressing, encompassing a wide array of components, including technical, technological, financial, intellectual, human resources, fiscal, legal, property, and informational dimensions. In light of current economic conditions, research highlights the imperative of developing and implementing an effective mechanism to secure the financial dimension of an enterprise’s economic security. This has emerged as one of the foremost priorities. A well-designed mechanism to safeguard financial security is expected to provide robust solutions to address the challenges encountered throughout an enterprise’s operational trajectory. The objective of this research endeavor is to ascertain viable solutions that will ensure the stability and resilience of the financial security system through the implementation of a range of management tools. The primary goal of these tools is to mobilize the enterprise’s internal and external reserves in an effective manner. In this context, attaining the intended objectives necessitates not only a comprehensive examination of the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of financial security but also the formulation of a system of essential financial prerequisites. Such a system must support the enterprise’s sustainable growth and development, both in the short and long term, while being adaptable to the specific economic conditions and sectoral characteristics in which the enterprise operates.


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How to Cite
Postolache, V. (2025). Identifying solutions to ensure the financial security of the enterprise in current conditions. Forum for Economic and Financial Studies, 3(1), 2593.