Correction, Retraction & Withdrawal Policy


Editors, authors, and readers, whoever find that a correction is required in the publication, should feel free to contact Please clearly state the content that needs to be changed. Please also send the article title, DOI, and page number to us. Upon approval by the Editorial Office, a correction will be published in the current issue. Note that a correction should not affect the scientific results and integrity of the experiments.


Retraction policy

Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd. considers retracting the publication if there is clear evidence of unreliable results, redundant publication, plagiarism, infringement of copyright, evident calculation errors, unethical research, etc.


Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd. abides by the Retraction Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Articles will be retracted as soon as possible to minimize the negative effect of the article on other researchers’ work. Instead of removing from the journal website, retracted articles will be marked with “Retracted”, accompanied by retraction notices being issued by the publisher. Reasons for the retraction and who initiated the retraction action should be included in the retraction notice. Please note that APCs will not be refunded due to the retraction of an article.


Withdrawal policy

Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd. does not support the withdrawal of publication unless it may be suspected of academic misconduct. If the author can provide a reasonable application to the Editorial Office after it has been accepted (but not yet published), and the Editorial Office agrees to the request, a processing fee of USD 200 is chargeable upon withdrawal. Withdrawn manuscripts will be deleted from the OJS system and all authors will receive an official notification of withdrawal, which means the withdrawal action is finished.