Editorial Team

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Gordon Gilja   
University of Zagreb
Interests: flood risk assessment; bridge scour; infrastructure monitoring; remote sensing

Prof. Chong Xu   
National Institute of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Emergency Management of China
Interests: rainfall-triggered landslides, earthquake-triggered landslides, landslide susceptibility and hazard evaluation, landslide inventory, geological hazards, active fault, gis, remote sensing

Prof. Philippe Hartemann   
Lorraine University France
Interests: epidemiology and public health; infectious diseases epidemiology; drinking water regulation.

Dr. Nicola Chieffo   
University of Huddersfield
Interests: large scale vulnerability assessment methods; masonry aggregates; heritage structures; multi-hazard scenario

Dr. José Machado Moita Neto   
Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba
Interests: quimica; filosofia; engenharia; meio ambiente; estatistica

Dr. Weiliang Qiao
Dalian Maritime University
Interests: identification and management of human-related risk factors involved in the maritime industry; resilience evaluation and emergency response for the maritime transportation system

Dr. Emanuele Brunesi   
European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering
Interests: earthquakes and seismology; seismic response; seismic analysis

Dr. Siu Shing Man   
South China University of Technology
Interests: ergonomics; occupational safety and health; behavioral science; engineering management

Dr. Mario Coccia   
National Research Council
Interests: interaction between total environment and diseases; all aspects of environmental pollution and its effects on ecosystems and human health; interaction between contaminant exposure and biological; ecological

Dr. Peiwen Zhang
Civil Aviation Flight University of China
Interests: public safety risk management; policy and governance in emergency management; sustainable development

Dr. Katarzyna Kubiak-Wójcicka   
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Interests: droughts; floods; water management; water quality and water law

Dr. Michail Chalaris
Democritus University of Thrace
Interests: chemistry; environmental sciences & ecology; physics; engineering; safety; risk management; water resources

Dr. Wanchang Zhang
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Interests: environment and disaster remote sensing studies; monitoring; assessment; forecasting studies on environment and disasters aimed to prevent disaster risks and catastrophic affections to environment

Prof. Teng To Yu
National Cheng Kung University
Interests: earthquake; fracture mechanics; landslides; natural disasters

Dr. Dimitrios Chionis
Hellenic Air Force
Interests: human factors; safety; risk management; risk perception; risk communication

Prof. Dingli Liu
Changsha University of Science and Technology
Interests: fire safety; risk management; transportation safety; public safety planning; fire rescue

Prof. Ourania Tzoraki
University of the Aegean
Interests: flood alert systems, port risk assessement, port vulnerability, extreme weather events, climate change impact on water resources

Prof. Xiaoxin Zhu
Qingdao University of Technology
Interests: public safety and emergency management; supply chain risk management; emergency logistics

Prof. Vladimir M. Cvetković
University of Belgrade
Interests: security; disasters; hazards; emergency; disaster risk management

Prof. Xiaojuan Li
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Interests: engineering safety risks; sustainable engineering and green buildings; Civil engineering economy