Induction of liquid bacterial and solid fungal cultures by conductive electrostimulation

  • Manousos E. Kambouris Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras, 26504 Rio, Greece; ELGO-Demeter, Plant Protection Division of Patras, 26424 Patras, Greece
  • Grigoria Spanou Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Thessaly, 43100 Karditsa, Greece
  • Stavroula Kritikou Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 11528 Athens, Greece
  • Afroditi Milioni Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 11528 Athens, Greece
  • Andreas Stathoulias Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras, 26504 Rio, Greece
  • Stavroula Goudoudaki ELGO-Demeter, Plant Protection Division of Patras, 26424 Patras, Greece
  • Yiannis Manoussopoulos ELGO-Demeter, Plant Protection Division of Patras, 26424 Patras, Greece
  • Kariofyllis Karamperis Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras, 26504 Rio, Greece
  • Aristea Velegraki Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 11528 Athens, Greece; Bioiatriki SA, 11526 Athens, Greece
  • George P. Patrinos Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras, 26504 Rio, Greece; Department of Genetics and Genomics, Zayed Center for Health Sciences and College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Abu Dhabi 15551, UAE
  • Ioannis Giavasis Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Thessaly, 43100 Karditsa, Greece
Article ID: 1901
Keywords: probiotics; bacteriotherapeutics; inductive electrostimulation; iontophoresis; culturomics; foodborne pathogens


This work seeks possible stimulative/inductive effects of conductive electrostimulation with alternating current on fungi and bacteria as a proof-of-principle. An iontophoresis device was used on solid fungal Petri dish cultures of six species belonging to four divisions versus identical controls to record differences of mycelial diameter as growth indicator over time. Six bacterial species of different shapes and Gram status were also tested in liquid cultures without or with (simultaneously or consecutively applied) mild heat pasteurization, incubated and then pour-cultured after successive dilutions. Enumeration of the colony forming units, versus proper controls indicated the effect. The fungi showed conditionally increased growth. The bacteria also showed conditional stimulative effects expressed as increased growth, in electrostimulated-only cultures; or as decrease of the detrimental effects of the pasteurization, if subjected to any combined regimen. No uniform set of parameters for either kind of stimulative results was identified, the window of susceptibility depending obviously on the organism; but also on the nutrient substrate. The method fits to green economy if developed and massively applied to the production of biopharmaceuticals, bacteriotherapeutics, metabolites and other bioproducts/ bioprocesses, the probiotics being an early candidate for commercialization.


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How to Cite
Kambouris, M. E., Spanou, G., Kritikou, S., Milioni, A., Stathoulias, A., Goudoudaki, S., Manoussopoulos, Y., Karamperis, K., Velegraki, A., Patrinos, G. P., & Giavasis, I. (2025). Induction of liquid bacterial and solid fungal cultures by conductive electrostimulation. Microbiology Science and Technology, 1(1), 1901.