Exploring the intersection of literature and professional identity: A comparative study of a Vietnamese EFL teacher and the literary character Chi Pheo
This study presents a unique exploration of the professional identity of a Vietnamese male teacher of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) through a comparative analysis with Chi Pheo, a character from Nam Cao’s Vietnamese literature. Conducted in the culturally rich Mekong Delta region, the research employs a qualitative case study methodology, utilizing in-depth interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis to delve into the intricate relationship between cultural narratives and educational practices. The findings reveal a complex professional identity marked by resilience, innovation, empathy, and a sophisticated balance between traditional and modern teaching methods. These characteristics, while showing parallels with Chi Pheo, particularly in terms of resilience and the quest for authenticity, also exhibit significant differences, most notably in the teacher’s constructive approach to challenges and commitment to student engagement. The study underscores the impact of cultural narratives on educational practices and highlights the dynamic nature of teacher identity in the Vietnamese context. It contributes to the literature on teacher identity by emphasizing the role of cultural and literary influences in shaping educational roles and practices. The research has implications for teacher training, curriculum development, and policy-making, advocating for approaches that are culturally responsive and pedagogically innovative. This investigation into the professional identity of a Vietnamese EFL teacher offers new perspectives on the interplay between literature, culture, and education, providing valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and researchers in the field of teacher identity and education.
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