The use of ChatGPT in Language Acquisition and Utilizing ChatGPT Tool to open up prospects for improving the educational language learning
Submission deadline: 2024-02-15
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues:


On November 30th, 2022, ChatGPT became accessible, and we anticipate that it will significantly impact language learning. We are looking for publications that examine the usage of ChatGPT and other AI tools in language learning settings and any possible effects on student performance and well-being.

Submissions from all applied linguistics and educational viewpoints are invited. We especially encourage works examining how ChatGPT might affect translation and grammar instruction in English and other languages, such as multilingual languages, with fewer teachers.

Submission topics may cover but are not restricted to:

· Possible effects of ChatGPT on language competency and fluency of learners;

· The prospective effects of ChatGPT on the instruction of grammar and translation in several    languages;

· Ethical issues using ChatGPT in language learning;

· The part that educators play incorporating ChatGPT into courses for language learning;

· The ideal methods for utilizing ChatGPT in language schools, colleges, and universities;

· The application of ChatGPT to aid with multilingual language acquisition.

Articles that support their arguments with empirical evidence are fascinating to us. We also want theoretical works that examine the broader effects using ChatGPT in language learning.

In the field of education, OpenAI's ChatGPT is a cutting-edge AI tool. With the rise in popularity of online education comes a greater need for sophisticated language models like ChatGPT to automate tasks like content creation, student question responding, and grade calculation. Because of ChatGPT's flexibility and adaptability, it has the potential to completely transform the educational system. In the future, ChatGPT will develop into a potent instrument for boosting the experiences of teachers and students.

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art linguistic model built on top of the GPT-3.5 framework. Several innovative educational apps are being developed using ChatGPT's powerful features in order to improve student access to and engagement with the learning process. Natural Language Processing (NLP) skills in particular make it possible to have natural conversations with pupils and give them immediate feedback and assistance. Advantages of ChatGPT include individualized instruction, language acquisition, instructor support, real-time evaluation, and more. There are a number of issues with ChatGPT that need to be fixed before it can guarantee fair and efficient education for everybody. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of using ChatGPT in the education sector:

What's Great About ChatGPT:

    Customized Instruction

To better serve students' interests, needs, learning styles, and skill sets, ChatGPT facilitates the development of individualized learning plans. It allows for learning at the student's own speed and depth of comprehension. In response, ChatGPT offers client feedback to boost students' enthusiasm and participation.

    Simple Access to Education

Students and teachers alike can benefit from ChatGPT's wealth of resources and streamlined assistance options. In addition, it facilitates the equalization of educational opportunities for students with disabilities.

    Quick Opinions

Immediate responses help educators fine-tune their lesson plans, classroom setups, and student experiences. Students can use ChatGPT to pinpoint their areas of improvement. It improves efficiency, shortens response times, and gives instantaneous feedback.

    Help Educators

ChatGPT is a helpful resource for teachers in need of inspiration while designing lessons and other classroom activities to assist students learn. It assesses and enhances the standard of writing. Online classrooms can also benefit from using ChatGPT. Using ChatGPT, educators can create quizzes, games, and other interactive activities to supplement their traditional teaching methods. Teachers should be well-versed on ChatGPT before using it in their classrooms.

    Participation of Students

With the aid of ChatGPT, students can quickly have their questions answered. It helps students outside of regular class hours and can improve their learning experiences and outcomes. Students' ability to think critically and creatively is bolstered.

    Acquiring a new technology-based innovation

Learners of any language can benefit from ChatGPT's translation tools, vocabulary exercises, and grammar explanations.

Problems in ChatGPT:

ChatGPT is a powerful learning resource, but like all technology, it has its limitations. For the best results, it should be used in conjunction with other materials for a well-rounded education.

    Confidentiality and Safety

ChatGPT can track and save user information. This presents issues of confidentiality and safety. When gathering and storing information, ChatGPT must follow all applicable laws and ethical guidelines. The user should be informed of what information is being gathered and why by ChatGPT.


It's possible that both teachers and students could be misled by the information they get on ChatGPT if it turns out to be erroneous or incomplete.

    Implied partiality

ChatGPT, like other forms of AI, may pick up prejudices from the examples it was taught to recognize. This results in biased content, which has negative effects on both instruction and student retention. The model's developer should make sure it is trained on a variety of data types and can take measures to counteract any inherent biases.

    Increased Reliance on technological advancements

The rapid ideation and processing capabilities of ChatGPT raise the risk of technological determinism. As a result, it hinders abilities like analysis, innovation, problem solving, etc. Because it solves pupils' issues immediately, reducing their motivation to think critically and creatively on their own.

    Price of Implementation

ChatGPT could be a huge help for students, but many schools just don't have the resources to implement it. The expense of a ChatGPT education might be high.

When considering the disadvantages of ChatGPT in the academic field, issues like as lack of originality, the possibility of plagiarism, and an excessive reliance on technology should be kept in mind. Teachers should be alert to these concerns so they can facilitate students' access to safe and fruitful research utilizing ChatGPT. Sometimes, critical thinking is required to deliver the right answers, and AI just can't do it yet. Users should focus on the opportunities offered by ChatGPT rather than the problems it now faces.



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