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Human research

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Author contributions

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The following statement is suggested to be used “Conceptualization, XX and YY; methodology, XX; software, XX; validation, XX, YY and ZZ; formal analysis, XX; investigation, XX; resources, XX; data curation, XX; writing—original draft preparation, XX; writing—review and editing, XX; visualization, XX; supervision, XX; project administration, XX; funding acquisition, YY. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.”


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2) Author guidelines

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3) Peer review process

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Primarily check

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Peer review

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Editorial decision

· Accept: Manuscripts will undergo the copyediting and proofreading stages without revision.

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· Major revision: Authors are required to complete revisions to the manuscripts within the agreed-upon timeline. Should additional time be needed, authors should inform the editor as soon as possible. They will be assigned to the same or new reviewers for further review until a new review decision.

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Appeal against editorial decisions

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Manuscripts under peer review should be strictly confidential. Reviewers could be experts in the field of this journal. Candidates for reviewers should declare any possible conflicts to ensure that objective evaluation and comments will be made. Reviewers must not share any details or discuss the research with others. The Editorial Office must not disclose any information about manuscripts to anyone except reviewers and co-authors.


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