Assessment of actuation performance regarding miniature mechanisms triggered by piezoelectric arrangements—A review

  • Adel Razek Group of Electrical Engineering—Paris (GeePs), CNRS, University of Paris-Saclay and Sorbonne University
Article ID: 188
Keywords: piezoelectric actuation, ultrasonic motors, traveling waves, thin structures, miniature robots, beams and plate structures, locomotion and positioning


This article aims to evaluate and analyze the role of piezoelectric actuation in miniature robots in general and converging towards systems using traveling waves on beams and plates of thin structures. In other words, examining the later in the general context of the first. The useful values of interest concerned by this subject are diverse: applications needing high specific power particularly suitable for miniaturized robots, vibrations supervision, damage and fatigue revealing, medical and other micro pumps applications, different controls in difficult access areas, harvesting of energy, etc. The characteristics and behaviors of actuation, which is accomplished by resonant and non-resonant piezoelectric systems, are first reviewed and examined. The amplification of the actuation is then highlighted. Next, non-resonant piezoelectric actuators for stepping functions are discussed. Then, the main principles of piezoelectric resonant ultrasonic motors are summarized allowing the illustration of the operation of traveling wave piezoelectric resonant beam robots. Next, traveling waves on thin structures are examined, reviewed and conferred. This involves, driving of piezoelectric patches in miniature robots, applications of thin structure embracing piezoelectric materials, and finally thin structure piezoelectric miniature beams and plate robots. Following the last sections, a discussion of the operations of locomotion and positioning of the piezoelectric actuators is presented.


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How to Cite
Razek, A. (2023). Assessment of actuation performance regarding miniature mechanisms triggered by piezoelectric arrangements—A review. Intelligent Control and System Engineering, 1(1). Retrieved from