Study of the concept and dimensions of gender-based violence and its connection to adolescence and its link to education
Gender-based violence is a global issue that, in addition to claiming thousands of lives worldwide each year, has serious physical, psychological, and social consequences for the victims. The synergy between gender-based violence and adolescence is a concerning phenomenon, as adolescents are vulnerable to abusive behaviors that they may normalize within romantic relationships. During this stage, ideas about love and relationships are still being formed, which may lead young people to not recognize certain behaviors as gender-based violence. This article provides a literature review on the different types of gender-based violence, focusing on adolescence. Additionally, the main risk factors and the consequences for the victims are analyzed. Finally, preventive lines of work in various areas are proposed, with particular emphasis on coeducation and highlighting the importance of early identification of violence indicators in adolescent relationships, such as control, jealousy, emotional manipulation, and cyberbullying.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Iratxe Suberviola Ovejas, María Isabel Gurría, Aroa Martínez-García

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