Better birth outcomes: The investment that saves lives
This study utilizes CDC data to analyze birth outcomes for at-risk mothers involved in the Pathways HUB Community Action (PHCA) in Summit County, Ohio. The purpose is to understand the cost savings of providing interventions that will result in positive birth outcomes. The data, compared to the Ohio Public Health Data Warehouse and March of Dimes statistics, shows similar rates of singleton births. The study adjusts for inflation using the Producer Price Index from the St. Louis Federal Reserve. Results indicate that reducing prematurity rates among HUB clients could lead to significant cost savings, totaling approximately $1.2 million between 2017 and 2022, with the greatest cost savings for Black at-risk mothers and infants. This manuscript aims to achieve two objectives: first, to highlight the benefits of addressing health disparities affecting at-risk pregnant women; and second, to demonstrate the methodology for calculating cost savings using available birth outcome data.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Karen H. Larwin, Susan Horne, Aimee Budnik

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.