Dealing with extreme weather events in India—A vulnerability assessment study, current status and way forward

  • Vaishali Jaiswal Department of Community Health Administration, National Institute of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi 110067, India
  • Deepshikha Deepshikha Special Centre for Disaster Research, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India
  • V. K. Tiwari National Institute of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi 110067, India
Article ID: 1280
Keywords: extreme weather events; vulnerability index; India; health; climate change


Introduction: Climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of daily weather extremes. Extreme weather events (EWE) can result in damage to health. As climate-related events become more frequent and intense, the implications for healthcare systems and access to medical services become even more pronounced. The study aims to estimate the vulnerability of India and its states towards the EWE by calculating a vulnerability index by identifying the specific extreme weather conditions in India. It also explores ways to make the healthcare system resilient to climate change. Methodology: The study combines quantitative data analysis and qualitative content analysis to assess vulnerability, analyze the current healthcare system, and propose recommendations for managing the impact of EWE on healthcare. Secondary data on historical climate and weather from IMD was collected to identify patterns and trends in EWE in India. Healthcare data on healthcare infrastructure, admissions rates related to EWE, and disease outbreaks was collected from reports. Policy documents, reports, and research articles related to healthcare system preparedness for EWE were analyzed quantitatively to identify vulnerability indicators and previous disaster experiences. The vulnerability index was calculated by combining selected indicators using appropriate weighting and normalization techniques to quantify the vulnerability of the healthcare system to EWE. After the calculation of sensitivity, exposure, and adaptive capacity separately, the vulnerability index was calculated using the following formula: Vulnerability is equal to exposure plus sensitivity minus adaptive capacity. Results: The association between daily variation in meteorological conditions and mortality has been found to be significant, as reported from previous studies on a wide range of populations in India. The ten most vulnerable states to EWE due to climate change, according to the estimations on the vulnerability index, are Meghalaya at the topmost followed by Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, West Bengal, Assam, Karnataka, Odisha, Tripura, and Uttar Pradesh. Conclusion: The study shows that linkages between climate change and human health are complex and multi-layered, and predictions of future health impacts of climate change are still uncertain.


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How to Cite
Jaiswal, V., Deepshikha, D., & Tiwari, V. K. (2023). Dealing with extreme weather events in India—A vulnerability assessment study, current status and way forward. Environment and Public Health Research, 1(1), 1280.