Ideal personality of Confucian thoughts and its contemporary relevance for education
Amidst significant transformations in both domestic and international contexts, as well as profound changes in China’s economy and society, numerous challenges persist in the realm of social morality, with social values becoming increasingly pluralistic. This paper seeks to examine the historical evolution of the connotation of the Confucian ideal of personality, explore its contemporary relevance and practical applications, and provide theoretical support for the creative transformation and innovative development of China’s rich traditional culture. By doing so, it aims to contribute to the enrichment and refinement of the core socialist values with Chinese characteristics, offer a cultural foundation for these endeavors, and propose an ideal personality model aligned with contemporary requirements to strengthen the moral construction of citizens. Drawing from the theories of Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi on the ideal of personality, this paper delves into the historical evolution of the Confucian concept of ideal personality, with a particular focus on the theoretical interpretation of the principle of being “inner sagehood and outer kingship”. It systematically traces the historical development of Confucian personality theory, highlights the alignment between traditional Chinese cultural values and the core values of socialism, and investigates the integration of Confucian ideals of personality with the practical demands of contemporary civic morality.
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