Review of photovoltaic energy access for sustainable growth in the agricultural sector: Economic, market and employment opportunities for rural communities of Sub-Saharan African
Photovoltaic solar energy is one of the immaculate non-pollutant origins of inexhaustible sources of energy. As a result of the increase in energy demand and the bad effects of carbon-containing fuels on the world environment, several nations reflect on photovoltaic solar energy as the appropriate and possible choice for electrification in rural agriculture applications and household practices. To satisfy the increasing electrical energy need and reduce the production of gas. The use of photovoltaic energy cannot be overemphasized in agricultural applications in rural areas. Photovoltaic and electrification in agriculture is the formation of photovoltaic production of electricity, heat, and some other forms of energy. In agriculture, it means making available green energy and being able to maintain electricity for farming activities. The review will focus on energy access/usage for boosting farming activities in rural communities of Sub-Saharan African nations. It will also offer a critical review of the methodical investigation by different researchers on photovoltaic solar energy and electrification in agricultural applications for quality improvement in energy generation in rural areas for agricultural purposes, which in turn generates employment opportunities for people living in rural communities in Sub-Saharan African countries. The investigation covers several forms of photovoltaic systems, such as solar energy for cooling storages, pumping water for irrigation activities, heating/cooling greenhouses and drying crops for rural communities in Sub-African. It describes different principal application forms of photovoltaic solar energy in agriculture, photovoltaic solar energy issues, the principle of operation of photovoltaic, its uses, problems, and opportunities. Furthermore, this study discusses the economic analysis and market related opportunities of photovoltaic systems. It has been shown beyond reasonable doubt that photovoltaic solar energy would be an appropriate option for electrification in agriculture, particularly in the distant typical remote environment. The review concludes that the prospects of the research will be economic development potential and employment creation opportunities in the Sub-Saharan African communities.
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