A comprehensive review of hybrid photovoltaic-battery systems: Evaluating progress, identifying key issues, and exploring future prospects in sustainable energy integration

  • Waleed Jan U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering & Technology
  • Aimal Daud Khan U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering & Technology
  • M. Zulqarnain Abbasi Sarhad University of Information Technology
Article ID: 320
Keywords: photovoltaics, energy storage, hybrid energy systems, grid integration, microgrid


The depletion of fossil fuel reserves and growing environmental concerns have led to a growing interest in photovoltaic (PV) generation systems and battery storage systems (BSS). Sunlight is harnessed directly by PV technology to generate clean and eco-friendly energy. Conversely, the appeal of BSS lies in its cost-effectiveness, reliable performance, quick response times, and extended lifespan. A comprehensive review of hybrid PV-BSS systems is conducted in this article to determine their practical applications for power systems and to identify possible improvements. In conclusion, the paper offers valuable insights into potential future developments for advancing hybrid PV-BSS systems. The objective of this review paper is to provide an overview of the latest research on PV-BSS hybrid systems. Providing a critical assessment of this field’s research efforts, the study sheds light on their strengths, weaknesses, barriers, limitations, and prospects for the future. Several domains are investigated related to hybrid PV-BSS systems, including methods to extend their lifespan, analyses of cost reductions, optimal sizing, solutions for mitigating power quality issues, and efficient control of power systems.


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How to Cite
Jan, W., Khan, A. D., & Abbasi, M. Z. (2024). A comprehensive review of hybrid photovoltaic-battery systems: Evaluating progress, identifying key issues, and exploring future prospects in sustainable energy integration. Applied Photovoltaic Technology, 1(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.acad-pub.com/index.php/APT/article/view/320